Friday, October 28, 2011

Coralie Clement: The Top Classic French Vocalist

     Growing up, music played a huge influence on Coralie Clement's life. Her brother, Benjamin was also a singer, and her father was a clarinetist. By the age of three, she could identify all orchestra instruments. Her inspirations was her brother. Her first album, released in 2001, was recorded of her singing her brother's songs and him playing guitar.

What about your musician's sound do you like? How does the sound affect your mood? What does the sound remind you of?

Coralie has a real talent. Her music is rejuvenating. It's relaxing but it has a nice bubbly happiness to it. She makes a beautiful flourish sound. Her music reminds me of Colbie Caillat or a sound like He is We. It is beautiful. It makes me really think about things. It makes you wonder. It would probably be one of those songs that I would put on my iPod and only play it when I'm studying in my room. It calms me down. She has her own unique genre. It's a mix between classic 60's pop, and soft French romantic pop, like something you may hear at a fancy restaurant in Paris.

What do other viewers say about the musician in the comments on YouTube? Find two comments in French and translate them. 

1. "La vie est belle... Grande chanson, agréable à l'oreille. Merci et meilleures salutations:)"
Translation: Life is good... Great song, it is pleasant to the ear. Thank you and best regards:)

2.  La meilleure musique romantique de tous les temps dans Internet, va te plaire, il est excellent...!!! cette musique me fait rêver ... je suis plus moi quand je l'écoute.
Translation: The best romantic music of all time on the Internet, will please you, it's excellent...!!! This music makes me dream...I am more of myself when I listen. 

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